個展「貴淑」(2023年5月開催)で襖6枚「根津」を発表しました。以前、個展「還」(2018年5月開催)で小品4枚組「風神雷神」。小品5作は東京世田谷・東光山妙法寺「さつき会」の盆栽展示で発表していました。シリーズ「貴」全作を、完全版 "環境体験型空間" として個展「貴淑」で初めて展示しました。
これまで、関東近郊各地で "躑躅" を見て回りました。中でも東京・根津神社には30年足繁く通い、その名をタイトルにも使用させていただきました。過日、京都での個展でお話した京都女性が「そんな鮮やかな躑躅の屏風の前で披露宴をしたいわぁ。」というヒントから襖6枚での作品にしようと決めたのです。
BGM:Keith Jarrettのピアノ・ソロ、Robin Guthrie & Harold BuddのAnother Flower
At my solo exhibition Kishuku in May 2023 I exhibited a large painting on six fusuma panels titled Nezu. My previous solo show Kan of May 2018 included four small artworks titled Fujin Raijin. In addition five small Azalea paintings were previously exhibited at the bonsai exhibition Satsukikai at the Myohoji Temple in Setagaya, Tokyo. All together these works form a complete series titled Ki, and were exhibited for the first time as a complete “environmental experience” at the ’23 Kishuku exhibition.
I have toured many of the Azalea trees in the Kanto region. Among them I have been a frequent visitor of the Nezu Temple for thirty years, and used that name for the large painting’s title. In days past, during my exhibition Edo Rimpa Strikes Back, a Kyoto woman told me “I would like to have a party in front of a scene of vivid Azaleas.” With that hint I decided to create this six-fusuma panel artwork.
The intensely saturated color of Azaleas is weak against ultraviolet light, and flower petals will soon turn white and fall off. In order to accurately reproduce the flower’s vivid color quality, I augmented the painting with fluorescent pigments. Ordinary paints are unable to capture this kind of color. Raw mineral pigments lack the saturation and color varieties found within plants. I told an acquaintance who works for a paint manufacturer about this matter and asked him to commercialize it as a new color series.
The contrast among warm colors, further contrasted against green leaves is a refreshing feeling. I placed the other four- and five-painting small artworks on the left and right to simulate the plants’ pruning height on the street. In this way the space is created using three walls, arranged around the main image of Azaleas.
BGM: Piano solo by Keith Jarrett, Robin Guthrie & Harold Budd/another flower