二人展「21世紀への視点IV」(1993・8月開催)は、木ノ葉画廊・ 葉満田氏の企画で行われた “新装柿落し” 展でした。この画廊は、南面に明かり取りの窓があるのが特徴で、この窓とのバランスを考え「1328x594mm」のパネルを作りました。夏の開催に合わせ、モチーフを 「竹」にしたのです。
「第18回国際インパクトアートフェスティバル」(1997・9月開催 (写真))は、初めてのアンデパンダン展であり、大きな展覧会でした。 平面作品の扱いでは、作品サイズ規定が小さいので“屏風”にして立 体作品扱いにすることにしました。そこで「竹」を、初めて“屏風仕 立て”(六曲一隻)にしました。その “場(空間)”に合わせて “並べ替え” が可能な“ユニット絵画”の立体展開です。
1998年制作。銀箔の実験作品展「節」、北面の1作。画面の遠景、中景、近景を銀箔を用いた雪景とし、視点の移動と光の反射のにより、空間(三景)の見え方が変化することを表現した作品です。モチーフは実在せず、私の “京都の心象風景” を描きました。
個展「節」(1998・7月開催)は、自身40歳 “節目” の個展で発表しました。『宴』の「金箔」に続き「銀箔」の作品です。“京都” で考えた「“雲海” から頭出す “山頂” が “涅槃” であり、枯山水である」ということを作品にしました。モチーフは庭園。四方に合わせ『芬陀(東面。つつじ咲く東福寺芬陀院)』『龍安(南面。夏の龍安寺)』『青龍(西面。苔にモミジの落ち葉)(宴 Series PARTYを参照)』『垣相(北面。丸窓越しに見る竹林の雪景)(上記を参照)』これらの“枯山水""雪景”を銀箔で表現しました。そして「座した視線で見る “庭” 」のために、展示位置を下げ、画廊に “畳” を敷き、鑑賞者に “座” してもらうことをしました。
Exhibition collaborated with an artist friend "Viewpoint to the 21st century IV "(Aug 1993)
It was held right after the Galerie Konoha was renewed in July 1993. It was planned by the owner of the gallery Mrs. Hamada. The most interesting feature of this gallery is a big window on the south side of the building. To coordinate with this window, I made the panel of "1328 x 594". I choose bamboo trees as motif to fit the summer season.
"18th International Impact Art Festival" (Sep1997) It was my first experience of big Independants exhibition. Since size regulation of the exhibition was strict for the drawings, I decided to make a folding screen "Byobu". My unit drawings "Bamboo" were assembled to be a folding screen(made of six panels). My unit works were assembled to be shown in 3D.
Ensou covers the north side in the exhibition "Times" which I showed experimental works of silver leaf. The snowy scenes were expressed by silver leaf. The views change according to the position of audience and time of the day. The motif is my imaged winter scenery of Kyoto.
The moss and the traditional Japanese garden "Karesansui" are my favorite motif which I have been used over several years. Dokuza is a view of the garden from inside of Daitokuji temple in Kyoto, which is trimmed off by the shape of "Fusuma" removable partition in traditional Japanese house. Karesansui garden is expressed by silver leaf.
After making "Bamboo", I continued to create more of folding screens. I expressed the "space" with gold leaf and the "water surface" with silver leaf. I sketched many irises (kakitsubata) at the garden of Nezu Institute of Fine Arts Tokyo which is very famous for its beautiful garden and owning "Iris" folding screen done by Ogata Korin, one of the most respectable ancient artists in Japan.
Funda and Ryouan
Exhibition "TIMES" (Jul 1998)
It was held when I reached 40 years old. Following the work of gold leaf, I prepared the work of silver leaf this time. I was inspired to create these works when I was in Kyoto. Watching the scene of a summit of the mountain on a sea of clouds, I could feel the sense of Nirvana or "Karesansui". So I put these images into the traditional Japanese garden.
[Funda] In East, garden of Toufukuji temple, Image of late spring
[Ryouan] In South, garden of Ryouanji temple, Image of summer
[Seiryu] In West, Jingoji temple, Image of autumn
[Ensouj In North, snowy scene of bamboo trees through round-shaped window , image of winter
I used silver leaf to express these "Karesansui" gardens and snow. In this exhibition, audiences were to sit on "Tatami" to be able to have lower views. In the middle of space, the audiences could enjoy a good panorama of four Japanese "Karesansui" gardens.
Exhibition "Moderate" (Apr 2006)
I made it in size B2 (728x515mm) x 2 with folding screen for the tea ceremony in mind.