また『艶』同様、花色に合わせ地を、銀箔、イヴ・クライン・ブル 一、黒にし、輝く花に合わせ金箔、メタルを撒きました。それは「変化する銀、不変のイヴ・クライン・ブルー、黒とアクリル」の素材の違いで “変化、不変” の対比を表しています。いつまでも美しくいたい、生きていたいという人の願望、それを “花” にたとえ、次第に変化していく “銀” に映る自己との対比を表現しています。
600x600:各48万 50万(銀箔)
600x300:各24万 25万(銀箔)
515x364:各35万 36万(銀箔)
Exhibition "Yo" (September 2013)
Continuing to do representation of spatial experience, I painted orchids as the sole work which followed "Lily" painted in "En" (published in 2002).
Orchids, which are distributed all over the world, cause me to have an impression of the tropics because I made a round of visits to Southeast Asia. Orchids are said to be the most evolved monocotyledon and have many kinds. I selected "Phalaenopsis" which is the most popular in Japan, "Paphiopedilum" which causes us to have an impression of an insectivorous plant, "Cattleya" "Cymbidium" and "Dendrobium".
I had persisted in the square panels in "En" but I painted three types of panels, a square, √2 rectangle and 1:2 rectangle this time because there are a lot of curved moldings and I was interested in painting them with a rectangular picture.
Like "En", I made the background with silver leaf, Eve Klein Blue and black matching colors of flowers, and more used gold and metal matching brilliant flowers. Those show a contrast between changed and unchanged by the difference among changeable silver, unchangeable Eve Klein Blue and acrylic black. In addition, comparing the hope that people want to be beautiful and alive permanently to "flower", those show a contrast between the hope and ourselves reflected in the constantly changing "Silver".
SNS で私の投稿「日本消音研究所」の作品展示をご覧いただいた方が、「私も自宅に花の絵を飾ってみたい。」と注文を頂きました。ピンクの花ということで、過日「世界らん展日本大賞」で奨励賞を頂いたカトレア。「これを豪華に金箔背景でお願いします。」との注文を頂き製作しました。ピンクに金箔。実に派手、ゴージャスな仕上がりになりました。